
Root & Rise | Sustainable Fitness

[FIRST NAME GOES HERE] - when do you need encouragement the most?

Hi Reader,

Before I jump into things, I have on question for you that will help me send you these emails and stories and tidbits of encouragement to help you become your strongest, healthiest, most confident self.

I know what it’s like to spend a week on vacation or out of routine and totally throw all the habits that make me feel the best totalllly out the window.

I know what it’s like to leave a vacation feeling gross and bloated and full of too many sweets and alcohol and lots of regret and self resentment for binging on it all.

I know what it’s like to feel disappointed and frustrated, blaming myself for losing my progress and confidence and all the things I had worked so hard to maintain.

I’ve been working on this for yearsssss, and there’s so much that has gone into it, like:

  • Journaling and mindset work
  • Therapy and healing work
  • Finding workouts I enjoy
  • Chasing health & longevity instead of weight loss
  • Focusing on consistency, not intensity

But it’s always tested with trips and travels and opportunities where I’m away from home and not fully in control of my environment and schedule.

I spent this last week with my team at ConvertKit working and learning and laughing and playing and this time, I’m leaving feeling really proud for how I showed up and stayed true to myself and my values and all the things that are important to me.

That’s not always the case (I’m no stranger to staying up too late and drinking too much on the last night and indulging more at meals or abandoning my habits for the entire week) but each change or improvement represents a lot of progress.

I still enjoyed myself and had tons of fun, but I did so with balance and lots of intention.

Here's what I focused on:

I worked out every day - I got in a couple of runs and a couple of gym sessions, but chose to show up imperfectly (one 20 minute workout one day) and ENJOY the workouts and the place I was in (did a walk/run yesterday to see more around the place I was staying). And I didn’t put pressure on myself to exercise to burn off the things I ate or drank.

I prioritized protein and veggies at every meal, but I still had dessert and s’mores and sweets. I also minimized snacking to tried not to overeat too much each day and asked myself if I was actually hungry before I mindlessly snacked.

I didn’t drink every day, and when I did, I only had a couple of drinks. I drank lots of water, LMNT's, sparkling waters, and came prepared with Culture Pop and Poppi drinks to add in when other people were drinking. When I did drink, I stuck to low sugar drinks like wine and extra, extra dirty martinis.

I journaled every single day, reflecting on my thoughts and feelings and experiences, and showed up imperfectly, even if it meant just writing down a couple of sentences.

I spent intentional time with my friends and coworkers and learned more about newer teammates and their backgrounds and experiences.

I soaked up the fresh air and the views and the sights in the Pacific Northwest while I could, which helped me stay energized and grounded.

I'm leaving feeling a little tired (natural course for a week like the one I had) but still like the "me" that I'm trying to be.

The next time you go on vacation or you're out of routine, what habits or practices can you take with you? How can you show up for yourself so that you can still trust yourself, and continue to be your best, most confident self?

Hit reply and let me know - I'm so happy to be on this journey with you.

Have a great rest of your weekend, and remember to take some of these practices with you.

💕 Morgan

Root & Rise | Sustainable Fitness

✨Find your light, your strength & your power 🌱Grow into your most confident self 💪🏻Build a healthy lifestyle you can actually keep

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